Our Logo Defined

Our Logo consists of TREE with Animals, Land and Sea.

Each component depicting our core area of work and the corresponding animals and elements of the Earth.

TREE universally represents many aspects, such as life, prosperity and strength. It also depicts growth.

We conceptualised this logo to define TREE FOUNDATION with a specific purpose. To depict right from beginning of life to renewal of youth, providing protection to animals and humans and being their mouthpiece by expressing the need to protect them.

Also, we wanted our Logo to depict endurance of our purpose by showing the Vision, Passion and Wisdom (read as expertise) to safeguard the flora and fauna along with the marine life hence the TREE, Animals, Land, Waves of Sea.

The visual depiction was to express strength and stability with inherent qualities of generosity and determination of TREE to make a positive impact yet growing and branching out with a disciplined focus, evolving with time and having resourcefulness of the Mother Nature.