Community Development

Understanding the importance of community buy-in to TREE Foundation’s conservation programs, we have established a number of initiatives that benefit the wider coastal communities who in turn gain an understanding of the importance of our conservation measures and in turn supporters of our conservation initiatives. 

Alternative Income Generating Projects Within Coastal Communities

TREE Foundation works to involve community members as major stakeholders in conservation programs. TREE Foundation was founded on the principles of community involvement and ownership. The success of the programs is largely due to the day-to-day participation of the major stakeholders. Communities who learn about the importance of marine ecosystems and conservation will grow to teach their children and grandchildren the need for biodiversity conservation. STPF members are given incentives to become community leaders by training the next group of the Sea Turtle Protection Force. In these ways, we plan to ensure the success of TREE Foundations growth along with the communities they serve.

Ghost Net Retrieval Program

Community members can earn by bringing in ghost nets from the sea to our centre. 

Through monthly donations from generous sponsors we are able to support education in English medium for the children of a limited number of STPF members. These members have in turn dedicated their time and life to marine conservation and improving the environment for future generations.

Supporting Education of STPF Children

Medical Camps and Health and Hygiene

Regular Medical camps are conducted jointly with the Indian Coast Guard and other voluntary organizations in the fishing villages.


Vocational training programs and meetings with the self-help groups of the fishing community women are conducted to empower the women and adolescent girls.

Women Empowerment

Bedding/School Kits For Children

The Rotary Club of Ambattur donates bedding and school kits annually to around 250 kinder-garden school children from the fishing communities in the program area. This facilitates involvement of the women in the conservation program.

These workshops are conducted annually by the Indian Coast Guard for the benefit of all fishers in all the fishing villages. TREE Foundation has facilitated search and rescue of trawl and artisanal fishing boats and fishermen over the past 9 years.

Safety at Sea Workshops